Freda Fitzwater - Guestbook
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Josh Immel2022-03-13 18:26:40Ms Fitzwater I only met you a couple times. I’m so glad we got to meet. Your Granddaughter Missy loves you so very much and has taken this hard. Go Rest High on that Mountain. I am so sorry for your family’s loss.
Melissa Poff2022-03-13 17:19:32Freda is my Grandmother, she was like a Mother to me for many years. She was always an honest person with a big giving heart. Grandma, I am going to miss you so very much!!!! I can’t believe I won’t ever get another hug from you. You and Grandpa are two of the best people I have ever known! Thank you got everything you have ever done for me. I love you so very very much. I hope you are another one of my Guardian Angels. I know you don’t feel anymore pain and you are with Grandpa again and your children whom have passed away and I bet you and Great Aunt Bessie ran into one another. Tell everyone up there in Heaven hello and I love them! I miss you and I will always carry you in my heart. I love you Grandma!!!
Paul Weaver2022-03-13 17:21:57Grandma, thank you for everything you have ever done for me. You and Grandpa were always there for all of us! I know some day I will see you all again. I miss you and I love you!
Tyler Poff2022-03-13 17:39:58Freda was my Great Grandmother and she was always a good person and tried to be there for any of her family. I will miss her! I love you Great Grandma! I am going on a journey so if you and Great Grandpa, would like to watch over me; please do.
Mary Weaver2022-03-13 18:09:19Freda is my Mother. She was very kind and always trying to help all of her children, grand children and great grandchildren. I will miss you Mom and I will always keep you in my heart. I love you Mom! It’s hard to hear that your Mom has passed away
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